Articles of association and regulations

Articles of association of BeeVee

The articles of association of BeeVee are the groundrules of BeeVee and form the core of our study association. You can look at it as the constitution of the association. Changes in the articles of association have to be done by a notary public. The articles of association contain, among other things:

  • the name of the association and its location
  • the purpose of the association
  • the ways in which a membership can be acquired and disbanded
  • the obligations of the members towards the association and the ways in which these obligations can be imposed
  • the way of appointment and resignation of board members

The last changes of the articles of association took place on the 12th of January 2017. These changes were proposed by the 31st board of BeeVee.

Click here for the current articles of association of BeeVee.*

*In the articles of association, when speaking of a two-thirds majority, there is an erroneous reference to article 16 paragraph 8. This must be article 16 paragraph 7. Article 16 paragraph 8 states what absolute majority is, this is different than a two-thirds majority. Article 16 paragraph 7 states how blank and invalid votes are taken into consideration. In the articles of association that have been approved by the alv on the 'articles of association alv' the reference is included correctly. This error occurred in the last contact with the notary. Note that the dutch articles of association are the legally valid articles of association.

The articles of association of BeeVee is also available in Dutch:

House rules of BeeVee

The house rules of BeeVee contain the rules of our association. The house rules are complementary to the articles of association. When the house rules contradict the articles of association the latter is ruling. Changes to the house rules can be made without a notary public. Instead the general meeting of members decides on the changes proposed by the board and/or the members.

The last changes of the house rules took place on the 7th of February 2024. These changes were proposed by the 38th board of BeeVee.

Click here for the current house rules of BeeVee.

General terms and conditions membership

The general terms and conditions membership have to be agreed to, in order to become a member of BeeVee. The general terms and conditions membership contain:

  • the types of memberships which the general terms and conditions membership apply to
  • information on the study association BeeVee
  • which rights apply to different types of memberships
  • information concering payments
  • liability of the study association BeeVee
  • ways of terminating a membership

The last changes of the general terms and conditions took place on the 26th of April 2018. These changes were proposed by the 33rd board of BeeVee.

Click here for the current general terms and conditions membership of BeeVee.

General terms and conditions of sales

The general terms and conditions for ordering study materials and merchandise apply to orders made in the webshop, as well as those made in person during an aftersale period or boardroom shift.

The last changes made to the general terms and conditions for ordering study materials and merchandise were voted in on the 5th of October 2022. These changes were proposed by the interim board of BeeVee of 2022.

Click here for the current terms and condtions for ordering study materials of BeeVee.

Alcohol and drugs policy

In the alcohol and drugs policy of BeeVee, the rules for the use of alcohol and drugs during BeeVee activities are described. It also describes the sanctions that can be imposed when violating the aforementioned rules.

The last changes of the alcohol policy of BeeVee took place on the 8th of February 2023. These changes were proposed by the 37th board of BeeVee.

Click here to download the alcohol and drugs policy of BeeVee.

Statements personal information

In the statements personal information of BeeVee, the data that BeeVee collects from their members are noted. For each element there is an explanation why BeeVee needs the data. 

The last changes to the statements personal information were made by the 35th board of BeeVee during the GMM of the 3rd of February 2021. These statements have been in effect since the academic year of 2018-2019.

The statements personal information can be found here:

Social media guidelines

In the social media guidelines of BeeVee, the guidelines for content that is posted by and in the name of BeeVee are described. 

The social media guidelines were written by the 35th board of BeeVee and were approved during the GMM on the 7th of October 2020.

Click here to download the social media guidelines of BeeVee.

Sustainability Action Plan

In the Sustainabilty Action Plan (SAP), the guidelines to increase sustainability within BeeVee are stated.

The SAP was written by the 36th board of BeeVee and was approved during the GMM on the 9th of March 2022. The SAP has been in effect since the 4th of April 2022.

Click here to download the SAP of BeeVee.