
On this page you can find all sorts of things which are both entertaining and helpful in getting to know BeeVee, its members and its activities. Remembering that awesome afternoon drink, the great party you went to or the extremely useful workshop you followed works best by looking at the great pictures made on those activities. Under the heading 'movies' you can find, amongst others, the 'What the Heck is this FAC'-movie. In this movie you can see which committees are part of BeeVee and what these committees do. The committee DIAFRAGMA makes monthly highlights of BeeVee activities, which can also be found on this page. Furthermore, our association magazine 'MOTjE' can be read here digitally. Lastly, you can roast friends, committees or the board on the roastpage, or just take a look at the other roasts posted there throughout the years.

Have fun!